Frequently Asked Questions
What skills and experience do I need?
For most of our volunteer roles you don’t need any specific skills or experience, just enthusiasm to get involved and a willingness to support people with a life limiting illness or bereavement. If specific skills, experience or qualifications are required (e.g. volunteer Complementary Therapists or Patient Driver roles) we will provide details on the role description. For all our roles, full support and training will be provided.
Can I volunteer in more than one role at the hospice?
Yes of course! You can add different areas of interest/roles on your application form. We will give you a call in the first instance to chat through.
What happens after I have sent in my application?
We aim to get in touch to confirm receipt of your application within a few days of receiving it– this will be via either a phone call or email. Once we receive your application, it will be sent through to the team manager who will get in contact to discuss the role and arrange a suitable time for you to come to the hospice for an informal chat/interview. After you have met with the team manager, they will then arrange a day for you to come in and complete a taster session to see if the role is right for you. During this time, we will send off for your references and arrange a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check if applicable for your role.
We aim to have you in your new volunteering post as soon as possible but please do bear with us as during certain times of the year as it may take longer for your application to be processed. If you have any questions or queries in the meantime feel free to contact us on or by calling 01245 457392.
I'm not sure how much time I can spare each week; is that OK?
Yes, that is no problem at all - we understand that people have different commitments; holidays may come up, timetables, work or caring responsibilities change. Some roles are more flexible than others are so if you are not able to commit to a regular slot we can usually find something that will suit! Please add your availability to your application and we can discuss over the phone or when you come in for a chat.
I can only do one day a year – is this something you could offer me?
Unfortunately we are unable to offer individuals a day of volunteering at the hospice. If you would like to volunteer for an individual day or occasionally, we are always looking for volunteers to help at our Farleigh Hospice events which run throughout the year or help us with our street and store collections. Please contact or see the event pages on our website, or contact if you could help the community team. If you are part of a local business group who are looking to volunteer, please contact the Corporate Fundraising team on 01245 457411 or email
What is the minimum age I can volunteer?
You can start volunteering in our retail stores from the age of 16 and in the hospice from 18. There is no maximum age limit for volunteers!
Will I need references?
Yes, we ask you to provide details of two people who can vouch for you as a referee. They will need to be over the age of 18 and not a member of your family. Your referees can be friends, colleagues or neighbours and should have given you their consent for us to contact them.
Do you offer 'taster' sessions in your stores so I can see if volunteering is right for me?
Yes we do! You can pop into your local shop to arrange a taster session before you apply or alternatively fill in the application form online and the shop manager will be in touch with you to arrange a date.