Referral - Self referral clinical
At Farleigh Hospice, we help you to live as actively as possible from the point of diagnosis to the end of your life.
To access our services, individuals must fall into one or more of the categories below:
Advanced, and/or progressive, incurable conditions.
General frailty and co-existing conditions who are rapidly deteriorating and reaching the end stage of their condition.
Rapid access to end of life care (personal care) in last three months of life.
Existing conditions if they are at risk of dying from a sudden acute crisis in their condition.
Life-threatening acute conditions caused by sudden catastrophic events.
They will also:
Be aged 18 and over (in exceptional circumstances referral can be accepted for 16 to 18-year olds with prior agreement with appropriate nursing and medical staff).
Live in mid Essex and/or are registered with a mid Essex GP.
Referrals may be considered from outside the mid Essex area in certain circumstances e.g. if the patient is out of area but the carer lives in mid Essex.
Provide consent for access/referral to Farleigh Hospice services.
Examples of reasons for referral to Farleigh are:
Difficulty in managing pain and symptom control.
Patients and family having difficulty in coping with the progressive illness and its consequences.
Need for palliative rehabilitation.
Complex spiritual issues due to the impact of the illness on spirituality.
All patients referred will be triaged and contacted by the relevant Farleigh professional.
For admission to the inpatient unit (IPU), a separate referral process exists.
The hospice does not have any designated long-term care beds.