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Will you set sail for Farleigh?

Tuesday 18th June

  • Fundraising & Events

Brothers Jon and William Scott are going on an epic Atlantic voyage to raise money for Farleigh Hospice. Read about their adventure and how you can take on your own sailing challenge much closer to home to support us, like Carole Walpole-Lawson.

Jon Scott, 75, and his brother, William, 78, have both been sailing for about 50 years and have competed in two-handed ocean races. They are planning to sail the Atlantic islands and cross the Atlantic Ocean and back in 2024/2025 to raise money for Farleigh after we cared for Jon’s wife Valerie three years ago.

Jon explained, “Val developed problems with her heart and breathing. Farleigh cared for her at home for nearly two months and then she spent the last three days of her life in the hospice at Broomfield. We were very pleased with the care that she received and eternally grateful that my son and I were able to stay there so we could be with her.

“My brother and I are taking on the ‘Spirit of Valsa’ trip to the Atlantic islands and across the Atlantic Ocean in memory of Val and to say thank you to Farleigh Hospice for looking after her.

“It will be our biggest sailing challenge. We will be sailing four hours on and then four hours off, but in our rest time we will be busy with things like cooking and navigating, so it will be very demanding. Although we have a lot of experience and we are very fit, I know this will be a huge test because of our age, fatigue, potential health issues and the risk of orca (killer whale) attacks.

“Farleigh is a fantastic organisation. We have already raised £2,355 and are grateful for any donations.”

Jon and William are travelling to the Algarve in Portugal on 19 June before heading for Punta Delgado, San Miguel in the Azores as their first stop and onto other Azorean islands before heading to Lanzarote. Subject to health, family and boat considerations, they will then decide whether to push on to cross the Atlantic as stage two or sail the 600 miles back to Portugal. You can follow their progress and make a donation here.

You don't need to have any sailing experience or travel so far to take on your own sailing challenge for Farleigh. You can 'Sail for Farleigh' around our wonderful UK coastline for between one to seven weeks between 17 July and 1 September! This trip is full board including top quality fresh food on board and your own cabin. You can choose which of the seven legs you would like to sail. Please click here to find out more and book your place on this trip of a lifetime!

Carole Walpole-Lawson recently took part in Walk for Life, raising over £570, and is now looking forward to Sail for Farleigh.

Our nurses helped her to care for her husband, Keith, for 18 months. She said, “Farleigh Hospice’s care was very, very good. The nurses would come to our house twice a week to pump out a drain that removed fluid from Keith’s lungs. They were lovely and I felt very comfortable to have them in our home. Farleigh was always there in the background if we needed help with anything else.

“Keith and I used to sail a lot and then we did motor cruising. When I saw the email about Sail for Farleigh, I signed up for the final leg from Plymouth to Burnham-on-Crouch. I am really looking forward to getting out on the water again and helping the crew!

“This trip is a great way to try sailing if you’ve never done it before. It is a really fun experience that takes you away from everything. It’s so peaceful and quiet, taking in the scenery and the calmness.

“I would encourage other people to take part in Sail for Farleigh as it is very important that Farleigh continues to be here for everyone who needs its care. I know Keith would be pleased that I’m doing it.”

There are still some spaces available on Sail for Farleigh. To find out more and book your place, please click here.