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Mid and South Essex Compassionate Communities seek entries for upcoming Art Exhibition

Farleigh Hospice is proud to be a member of the Mid and South Essex Compassionate Communities, a collaborative of partners, whose aim is to create a social movement of compassionate communities locally, that embraces dying, death and bereavement as a normal part of life, and activates our communities to care for and support one another during these times.

The Compassionate Communities Art Exhibition is their latest initiative which aims to provide a platform for creative expression around the theme, ‘Celebrating living, caring and dying.’

Artists have until 26 July 2024 to submit their creative work, which can involve a range of inspired, imaginative outcomes, including media such as photography, art, painting, drawing, sculpture, writing, poetry and music.

The Art Exhibition will be held at the Arts Place in the Meadows Shopping Centre in Chelmsford from 1 September to 3 November 2024.

Doctor Eva Lew, Medical Director at Farleigh Hospice, said, "We are very much looking forward to showcasing people’s true creativity and imagination, and engaging our community in an open and sensitive discussion around an area that sadly touches all of us at some point in our lives. We hope that it will provide a way to bring meaning, expression and reflection.”

For more details of how to enter, please visit: Information: